The seven deadly sins

Theologians, philosophers and psychologists revisit the ancient notion of sin and ask is it is still relevant today?

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A woman sits a a table with a microphone in front of her, she is talking and gestures with one raise hand upward.
On the Re-enchanting podcast, Elizabeth Oldfield talks about wisdom, our common life and the things that most deeply bind us.
1min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
An abstract shadow of a human reaching an hand skyward is overlaid by a trace of orange line that becomes a circle
Psychologist Roger Bretherton concludes our series on the seven deadly sins with a subversive proposition: we don’t understand sin because we don’t understand goodness.
9min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Illustration of unmade bed
In the appropriately last in a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Graham Tomlin looks at what’s lost to life when sloth sets in.
7min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
In the seventh of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Graham Tomlin digests gluttony’s distorting obsession with food.
7min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Illustration of skull
In the sixth of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Jonathan Aitken identifies Pride as egotism with a capital E and the cause of his own royal flush of crises.
7min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Illustration of a burning wick
In the fifth of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, James Mumford encounters Anger, and reflects that its object is no mere object.
8min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Illustration of Aubergine
In the fourth of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Belle Tindall explores how Lust minimises or sensationalises sex and desire.
6min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Piles of money
In the third of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Jane Williams highlights how Greed destroys both individuals and societies.
6min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Green Lime
In the second of a series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Roger Bretherton investigates the psychological and moral impact of envy on its victims.
7min read
  1. Creed
  2. Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
From rottweilers to North African bishops, Graham Tomlin kicks off the Seven Deadly Sins series with an introduction to the unpopular idea of ‘sin’.
7min read