
Our curated articles offering new takes on the big themes and questions in our culture. Plus reviews of books, film, media and experiences. Culture is one of four key themes covered by Seen & Unseen.

  1. Books
  2. Culture
A Chinese stamp depicts a map of the country from which people march holding a little red book
The cultural revolution's factions have a disconcertingly contemporary feel.
4min read
  1. Culture
  2. Freedom of Belief
A black clad pilgrim squats and holds his head on the side of a desert road as other pilgrims walk along.
Invited to experience Arbaeen, a vicar ponders its perpetual lament.
8min read
  1. Culture
  2. Eating
A tired-looking chef turns around to look across his shoulder.
In a compelling series, The Bear offers a richer and nuanced redemptive journey.
6min read
  1. AI
  2. Culture
Two construction workers stand and talk with a humanoid AI colleague.
AI might just help us with life’s dilemmas, if we are responsible.
10min read
  1. Culture
  2. Podcasts
A casually dressed man perches on railing balancing, clasping his hands and looking around.
The big questions of our experience. Is temperance vital? What's more real than raw politics? And, are we loved and missed?
1min read
  1. Books
  2. Culture
A poet stands and speaks, raising an arm.
The death-haunted yet lyrical, joyful and moving poet for a new generation.
5min read
  1. Books
  2. Culture
A woman in 18th century clothes sits within a windowsill reading a book
A ‘fashionable goodness’ lay at the heart of the author and her writing.
6min read
  1. Culture
  2. War & peace
An orthodox cathedral, with prominent roof domes.
An audience with a crown prince tells the story of troubled lands and resilient inhabitants.
4min read
  1. Culture
  2. Politics
A marbles staircase rises on four sides of a chamber.
Local government could be a place of humanity and beauty more than lifeless language and procedures.
6min read
  1. Culture
  2. Podcasts
A woman sits and speaks into a desktop microphone and holds both hands up and out expressively.
Belle and Justin talk to Lisa about unique challenges that people of colour face when it comes to Christian faith.
1min read
  1. AI
  2. Culture
In the style of an icon of the Council of Nicea, theologians look on as a cyborg and humanoid AI shake hands
As AI takes on tasks once exclusively human, we start to doubt ourselves. We need to set the balance right.
9min read
  1. Culture
  2. Podcasts
Jon Tilkin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
We are one! We're revisiting some popular articles: joy at a Jacob Collier concert, and NT Wright on Easter, creation and justice.
1min read