
At the heart of the Christian religion, is Easter. Find our more about its significance and impact.

  1. Easter
  2. Justification by faith
Looking up at a statue of Martin Luther holding an open bible.
Security over performance, love over lovelessness, and a little on Luther.
1min read
  1. Belief
  2. Creed
the first signs of Spring breaking through
As we emerge from the Easter weekend, Graham Tomlin unpacks why Easter is more than an illustration of new life.
5min read
  1. Comment
  2. Easter
A family look at the concrete shell and remains of a bombed building.
Violence begets violence in a zero sum world.
7min read
  1. Creed
  2. Easter
A balcony scene viewed behind shows a Roman ruler leaning over a balcony to the crowd while gesturing to a semi-naked Christ.
Agents of chaos still inhabit our world today.
4min read
Editor's pick
  1. Creed
  2. Easter
A persons stands, holding a net curtain aside to gaze out.
Our best relationships hint at what we are really missing.
6min read
  1. Creed
  2. Easter
A fine art painting depicts a risen Jesus hold a flag in one hand and raising his other hand above his head, against a dark background
The resurrection strikes at the heart of the cold reality of the human condition.
5min read
  1. Culture
  2. Easter
A casually dressed man perches on railing balancing, clasping his hands and looking around.
The big questions of our experience. Is temperance vital? What's more real than raw politics? And, are we loved and missed?
1min read
  1. Comment
  2. Easter
Preisdent Putin stands behind a lectern with a gold door and Russian flag behind him.
The high stakes of Easter can confront the natural order.
3min read
  1. Culture
  2. Easter
Jon Tilkin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
We are one! We're revisiting some popular articles: joy at a Jacob Collier concert, and NT Wright on Easter, creation and justice.
1min read
  1. Creed
  2. Easter
Barbie stands on a balcony and waves while looking out over her city.
How to heal it at Lent, with some help from AA too.
5min read
  1. Culture
  2. Doubt
A young man wearing a dark suit talks to a minister wearing regalia.
Listen now. A deep dive into doubt, inspired by Prince William, and a sensory journey through Lent and Easter.
1min read
  1. Creed
  2. Easter
Head and shoulders image of a man with closed eyes, on his forehead is an ashen cross.
The incarnation and an execution impacts humanity.
4min read