
Columnists and commentators focus a Christian lens on the news stories of the day. Comment is one of four key themes covered by Seen & Unseen.

  1. Belief
  2. Comment
Red hat with the words Make America Great Again
In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, Graham Tomlin asks whether or not we can see the hand God at work.
5min read
  1. Comment
  2. Sport
Gareth Southgate congratulating the team
Emerson Csorba explores why love is a game-changer when it comes to winning.
6min read
  1. Comment
  2. Psychology
A pair of sunglasses beside a swimming pool.
The joys and perils of taking time out for summer holidays.
7min read
  1. Character
  2. Comment
Keir Starmer stands in the House of Commons and recites an oath from a card held up in front of him.
A proposed new constitutional instrument is a hopeful recognition of the human condition.
6min read
  1. Culture
  2. Politics
A runner passes a church and a flag in an America suburb, under billowing clouds.
A returning American feels the heat generated by contesting ‘realities'.
6min read
  1. Change
  2. Community
Kier Starmer walks along a residential development's path with two other people.
The new Prime Minister’s constituency has valuable lessons for the country.
6min read
  1. Comment
  2. Community
A poltiical pudit opines in a TV studio while his colleague leans in and listens.
What watching a night that changed the country tells us about its mood.
8min read
  1. Comment
  2. General Election 24
A mayor reads an election result as a despondent candidate looks on.
Spare a thought (and prayer) for the defeated.
5min read
  1. Comment
  2. Politics
President Biden sits at a desk, holding his balled hands to his mouth.
Don't succumb to this politicians' fantasy.
3min read
  1. Character
  2. Comment
Joe Biden holds a fist to his chest as he stands and speaks.
Rather than mimicking the young, the elderly witness to a life well lived.
5min read
  1. Comment
  2. General Election 24
A AI generaed montage shows two politicans back to back surrounded by like, share and angry icons.
This week we’re making more than a political decision.
4min read
  1. Comment
  2. Digital
A woman stands between two table, one of friends and the other more argumentative.
Should we curate our feeds for community or for challenge?
5min read